Pick up at the Freeman Farmers Market (5-7 pm, Swimming Pool Park) Enjoy shopping the selection of local goods when you pick up your box!
​*You are responsible for coordinating the drop-off or pick-up of any forgotten boxes.
Delivery Charges:
Alternative option: Friday-Sunday
Off the farm: retrieve box at your leisure from our walk-in cooler (self-service). Boxes are prepared Friday morning. The sooner you get it, the fresher it will be!
Saturday Mornings
Pick up at the Market at the Meridian
Located Downtown at 2nd & Douglas
Pickup @ Prairie Roots booth
MUST PICK UP between 9-12
Enjoy shopping the selection of local goods when you pick up your box!
Delivery Charges:
Full Share: $2.50/week
Half Share: $1.50/week
Friday Delivery
Direct delivery to your home or business. We will be driving two delivery routes: one with the milk delivery van for those on or near Andre's delivery route for Happy Grazing Dairy and another with Lillie's vehicle. Customers love the convenience of having produce delivered right to their door!
*If you receive HGD milk on Wednesdays, you can expect to get your box that day (rather than Friday) from Andre's Uncle Philip*
Delivery Charges:
Full Share: $5.00/week
Half Share: $2.50/week
Half-off your delivery fee if​ you are participating in a pick-up location with 3+ boxes delivered to the same address.
There may be a group pick-up location available in your area this season. Locations will be determined prior to the start of the CSA & you will be reimbursed 50% of the delivery fee if you choose to participate in a group pick-up.